6 ways to maintain your flat top grill
For some, maintaining their cooking equipment is a semi-annual endeavor. They haul their gear out of storage, dust off the cobwebs, and use until the late Fall. For others, "grilling season" isn't a season at all-it's year-round. Whichever group you fall into, these six helpful tips are sure to keep your Camp Chef Flat Top Grill in prime cooking condition.
The griddle is the surface that will always touch your food so you want to make sure it is properly taken care of. Maintaining your seasoned griddle shouldn't be hard or take too much time if you keep it up to your standards. Maintaining your griddle will prevent it from rusting and the season from coming off. Here are some steps on how to properly clean your griddle surface.
Step by step instructions:
1. After each use, clean off any food particles while the griddle is still warm. You might want to use a metal spatula or chain mail scrubber to remove stubborn bits.
2. Then wash with hot water, mild dish soap (never use abrasive detergent), or our Cast Iron Cleaner.
3. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Never scour or use a dishwasher, as this could chip the nice, seasoned finish you're going for.
4. Apply a thin coat of Cast Iron Conditioner or cooking oil to the griddle and spread using a paper towel.
5.Heat the griddle until the oil starts to smoke. Then turn off the heat and wipe any excess oil off the griddle top.
6. Store in a dry place.

Built-in Micro and Macro Leveling systems help with managing grease. The included grease cup can hold up to three cups of run off grease. We suggest regularly cleaning your grease cup/catch. Use warm water and dish soap to remove grease buildup in your grease catch. This will ensure a quick and easy cleanup after each cook. If you want to avoid cleaning grease, you can use our disposable liners.
If you need help leveling your griddle surface, watch the helpful video at the bottom of the page. You may have leveling screws on the bottom of the griddle or adjustable feet on the legs of your grill.

Remove the hose and regulator from your Flat Top Grill and inspect for any cuts, wear, or abrasions. To test: first attach the hose and regulator back on to the grill and propane tank. Turn the tank on slowly. Use warm soapy water and apply to the hose to ensure there are no leaks. If there are leaks, bubbles will appear. If bubbles do appear the hose is no longer usable. Immediately turn off your propane tank. Throw the hose and regulator away and buy a replacement. You can find one here: Replacement Regulator Hose Set
Pro Tip: Did you know if your propane tank is completely full there is a chance if you open it quickly it will trigger the regulator to close as a safety mechanism. Slowly turn the knob on the propane tank 3 turns and this will prevent your regulator from closing by accident.

Remove the griddle and inspect each burner to ensure there is no blockage. Use a can of pressurized air to blow out any food remains. If there are spider webs or debris in the burner, refer to your instruction manual on the steps of how to clean it out.(Here's a quick link to the manual.)

You may notice many of our products are made with stainless steel. Stainless steel is much more resistant to rust which makes our products very durable in the outdoors. The only thing is the shiny nice looking metal can get very dirty. Use stainless steel cleaner to keep your grill looking fresh. Here are some steps on how to properly clean your flat top grill body.
Step by Step Instructions:
1. Spray stainless steel cleaner on the painted or stainless steel surfaces of your grill. Avoid spraying any plastic components. (You can also use hot, soapy water-it just may not work as quickly!)
2. Let the cleaner sit for about 30 seconds to give it a chance to break down grease and stains.
3. Wipe off the cleaner with a clean paper towel or rag. Wipe with the grain if you're cleaning stainless steel or in circles, if you're cleaning a painted surface.
4. Repeat the process once more to clean off any remaining grease.
5. Allow to dry for at least 24 hours before cooking.
6. Store in a dry place under a grill cover.

When you're not using your Flat Top Grill, be sure and keep it covered. The durable, weather resistant cover will protect your grill from the elements. With an elastic bungee sewn into the base the Camp Chef patio covers will help keep your entire grill looking fresh longer.
If you want to keep the weather off your grill a little better, make sure to get a lid. We offer a FTL600 that fits our FTG600 if you don't already have a lid or hood. This is great to keep the patio cover from being directly on the griddle surface and adds one more layer between your griddle and mother nature.