2 cups honey
⅔ cups franks red hot
1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
Step 1
In a small saucepan add the honey, red pepper flake, and the hot sauce; slowly heat up the mix being sure not to boil or even simmer it.
Step 2
Mix occasionally until it's warm enough that everything thoroughly gets to know one another.
Step 3
Remove from the heat and allow to cool before your snack gets bathed in lovely spicy bee goodness.
A cup is 8 fluid oz, the two cups in this recipe are about a pound. One bee makes about one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its entire life. In order to make just one pound of honey, bees travel around 55,000 miles, gathering pollen and nectar form over 2 million flowers. Dip your chicken in that knowledge bomb.